Not everything fits into neatly labelled boxes, so here’s a brief overview of other projects that I’ve put time into over the last few years.
Marrying my old life as an academic and my career as a content strategist, I teach two courses in the Multimedia Storytelling & Content Marketing certificate program at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies.
Foundations of Multimedia Storytelling teaches students how to create visually compelling content and coherent brand narratives informed by strategic decision making across multiple channels. Writing Digital Content, meanwhile, outlines contemporary tactics and best practices to achieve effective communication across websites, social media, and video.
Aired on Bell Fibe for two seasons, Unseen Toronto offered a peek into hidden and off-limits places around the city, from lost subway stations to air traffic control towers. It was a remarkable experience to play the role of host and explore parts of Toronto that few get to see.
The biggest highlight? Standing behind the clock-face at Old City Hall when the hour struck noon and the bells bellowed their announcement to the city.
Photography plays a major role in my professional life, but I’ve also maintained a personal photo practice, showing work in multiple gallery shows. The series below was featured at the Contact Photography Festival under the theme Figure/Ground.